Sister District Sacramento
together we made a difference
All of our sponsored candidates won their races
22,000+ phone calls made
$81,500+ total raised
$72,000+ raised for candidates from 275+ unique donors
Eight Speaker Series events
8,372 postcards written
10,417 doors knocked
Sister District Sacramento grows progressive power & policy by supporting Battleground State Legislative candidates in flippable districts each year. Our goal is to help Democrats hold onto power or take power in states. We help our candidates with fundraising and voter contact (e.g. phonebanking, postcarding). We have a great community, make a real impact, and have fun along the way.
Looking to get involved? Fill out our Volunteer Interest Form so we can help you find your place in our community. Email with questions or comments.
In 2024, together we ended the
North Carolina Supermajority!
Dante Pittman flips HD-24
by 871 votes.
AZ Rep Lorena Austin was re-elected by 2,992 votes.
Kevin Volk: elected to AZ House by 5,000+ votes!
About Sister District Sacramento
Join our 'Rosie the Riveter' Can-Do Team as we fight for our democracy in 2025.
No matter the time and resources you have to offer!
District Captain: Brittany Johansson
Tech & Admin - Herd of Nerds: Ken Jones
Post Cards - Mighty Writers: Ellen Schaefer
Phonomenals Phone Bank: Linda Noland & Rose Howard
Special Projects: Peggy Blair & Jennifer Wood
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Stay Engaged: Complete our Volunteer Intake Form