Sister District Sacramento

Sister District Sacramento grows progressive power & policy by supporting Battleground State Legislative candidates in flippable districts each year. Our goal is to help Democrats hold onto power or take power in states. We help our candidates with fundraising and voter contact (e.g. phonebanking, postcarding). We have a great community, make a real impact, and have fun along the way.

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We are in the home stretch with this wild and crazy political season and have just one more big fundraiser to push our candidates across the finish line.  

We need you.  Here is how you can help.

We are collecting donations and we’d love to have you attend as well.  It is a fun FREE concert and bring-your-own picnic.

It is time for the Sister District community to come together and have some relaxing fun with minimal work. 

Join your friends for a FREE backyard concert, picnic, and concurrent silent auction in a lovely grassy backyard. 

Bring your blankets and chairs. We will groove to some classic tunes, sing protest songs, and bask in the warm, sunny day with our friends.